Full 100 Point SEO Checklist

Our full 100 point SEO Checklist consists of the following:

Points from the checklist

  1. SEO friendly URLs – Does not contain special characters, underscores, spaces, capital letters or doesn’t exceed 100 characters
  2. Alt and title attributes on images
  3. H1-H6 title tags – Proper headings used throughout the website
  4. Robots.txt present
  5. Sitemap present and references inside robots.txt
  6. Title tag present
  7. Meta tags present including keywords and description
  8. Structured data markup present
  9. Mobile responsive – Website works perfectly on all devices
  10. Google Search Console setup
  11. Google Analytics installed
  12. UTM Tracking – Tracking URLs implemented for external properties
  13. Conversion tracking – Track all form submissions and calls from your website
  14. Browser compatibility – Check your website works on all browsers
  15. Error 404 page – Error not found pages present
  16. Clean code – Your websites source code doesn’t contain bloated code and is easy to read for search engines
  17. HTML generated source code
  18. Valid HTML5 source code
  19. Targeting specific keywords
  20. Latent semantic indexing – related keywords used throughout
  21. Content management system (CMS) for managing content
  22. Featured image for sharing social media thumbnail
  23. Indexed URLs on search engines
  24. Geo-tagged images – metadata included inside images
  25. WWW redirect – redirect either the www or non-www.
  26. 301 permanent redirects where needed
  27. Hreflang tags for e-commerce and international websites
  28. No broken URLs
  29. Internal links to other pages
  30. Good labeling of anchor text for interlinking
  31. Favicon
  32. Social Media profiles
  33. Links to social media properties
  34. Blog is present and being utilized
  35. Disavow spammy backlinks
  36. Unique content
  37. Local SEO
  38. An extension off SEO, this list specifically targets local SEO most commonly used by SMBs wanting to rank on the search engines in local areas. All the previous SEO metrics should be implemented alongside this list that specifically relates to local SEO.
  39. Google maps embedded with your location
  40. NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) present
  41. Registered & verified on multiple search engines
  42. Location pages for each location served
  43. Reputation Management
  44. Create local citations / listed on local directories
  45. An About us page is present
  46. Tracking progress of keywords
  47. Looking for a local SEO strategy?
  48. Usability – One of the most important factors, as if your visitors cannot use your website easily, it’s likely they’ll leave (or bounce) and go to a competitor. Ensuring your user journey is flawless is essential so ensuring you have the following in place will boost usability for your users.
  49. Screen readers for disabled and visually impaired
  50. Colour scheme meets expected WCAG guidelines
  51. No intrusive pop ups
  52. Contemporary design
  53. Up to date content
  54. Attractive imagery
  55. Using video where possible
  56. Domain name emails
  57. Email signature
  58. Attractive Call to actions
  59. Don’t serve different content to different countries
  60. Contact forms
  61. Cookies
  62. Breadcrumbs for site navigation
  63. Domain name is memorable
  64. Give your users a flawless experience with our UX/UI services
  65. Page Speed
  66. Above the content fold within 3 second
  67. Fully loaded page speed within 6.4 seconds
  68. Caching implemented for all possible resources
  69. Less than 85+ requests from different files
  70. Compressed images
  71. Enable gzip compression
  72. Priorities critical HTML and CSS
  73. Minify HTML, CSS & JS
  74. Defer JavaScript
  75. Expiry headers present
  76. CDN to serve content faster
  77. Fast TTFB – Time to First Byte
  78. Make your website lightning fast with our web design services
  79. Security
  80. HTTPS
  81. No mixed content issues
  82. Latest stable PHP version (7.4)
  83. DKIM verification for emails
  84. Weekly or monthly backups
  85. Updated themes and plugins
  86. Remove unnecessary themes
  87. Enforce strong passwords
  88. Protect against SQL injection
  89. Encrypt passwords
  90. Use two factor authentication
  91. Protect against cross site scripting
  92. Don’t use outdated libraries
  93. Check console log errors and warnings
  94. Mitigate against DDoS attacks
  95. Limit login attempts
  96. GDPR Compliant
  97. Privacy policy
  98. Spam prevention
  99. Cookies policy
  100. No use of iFrames throughout the website